38. Use nullptr instead of NULL from now on

New C++ standards brought quite a lot of useful changes. There are things which I would not rush into using straight away, but there are some changes which need to be applied immediately, as they will bring with them, significant benefits.

One such modernization is the keyword nullptr, which is intended to replace the NULL macro.

Let me remind you that in C++ the definition of NULL is 0, nothing more.

Of course, it may seem that this is just some syntactic sugar. And what's the difference, if we write nullptr or NULL? But there is a difference! Using nullptr helps to avoid a large variety of errors. I'll show this using examples.

Suppose there are two overloaded functions:

void Foo(int x, int y, const char *name);
void Foo(int x, int y, int ResourceID);

A programmer might write the following call:

Foo(1, 2, NULL);

And that same programmer might be sure that he is in fact calling the first function by doing this. It is not so. As NULL is nothing more than 0, and zero is known to have int type, the second function will be called instead of the first.

However, if the programmer had used nullptr no such error would occur and the first function would have been called. Another common enough use of NULL is to write code like this:

if (unknownError)
  throw NULL;

To my mind, it is suspicious to generate an exception passing the pointer. Nevertheless sometimes people do so. Apparently, the developer needed to write the code in this way. However, discussions on whether it is good or bad practice to do so, go beyond the scope of this note.

What is important, is that the programmer decided to generate an exception in the case of an unknown error and "send" a null pointer into the outer world.

In fact it is not a pointer but int. As a result the exception handling will happen in a way that the programmer didn't expect.

"throw nullptr;" code saves us from misfortune, but this does not mean that I believe this code to be totally acceptable.

In some cases, if you use nullptr, the incorrect code will not compile.

Suppose that some WinApi function returns a HRESULT type. The HRESULT type has nothing to do with the pointer. However, it is quite possible to write nonsensical code like this:

if (WinApiFoo(a, b, c) != NULL)

This code will compile, because NULL is 0 and of int type, and HRESULT is a long type. It is quite possible to compare values of int and long type. If you use nullptr, then the following code will not compile:

if (WinApiFoo(a, b, c) != nullptr)

Because of the compiler error, the programmer will notice and fix the code.

I think you get the idea. There are plenty such examples. But these are mostly synthetic examples. And it is always not very convincing. So are there any real examples? Yes, there are. Here is one of them. The only thing - it's not very graceful or short.

This code is taken from the MTASA project.

So, there exists RtlFillMemory(). This can be a real function or a macro. It doesn't matter. It is similar to the memset() function, but the 2nd and 3rd argument switched their places. Here's how this macro can be declared:

#define RtlFillMemory(Destination,Length,Fill) \

There is also FillMemory(), which is nothing more than RtlFillMemory():

#define FillMemory RtlFillMemory

Yes, everything is long and complicated. But at least it is an example of real erroneous code.

And here's the code that uses the FillMemory macro.

LPCTSTR __stdcall GetFaultReason ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExPtrs )
  FillMemory ( pSym , NULL , SYM_BUFF_SIZE ) ;

This code fragment has even more bugs. We can clearly see that at least the 2 and 3 arguments are confused here. That's why the analyzer issues 2 warnings V575:

  • V575 The 'memset' function processes value '512'. Inspect the second argument. crashhandler.cpp 499
  • V575 The 'memset' function processes '0' elements. Inspect the third argument. crashhandler.cpp 499

The code compiled because NULL is 0. As a result, 0 array elements get filled. But in fact the error is not only about this. NULL is in general not appropriate here. The memset() function works with bytes, so there's no point in trying to make it fill the memory with NULL values. This is absurd. Correct code should look like this:

FillMemory(pSym, SYM_BUFF_SIZE, 0);

Or like this:

ZeroMemory(pSym, SYM_BUFF_SIZE);

But it's not the main point, which is that this meaningless code compiles successfully. However, if the programmer had gotten into the habit of using nullptr instead of NULL and written this instead:

FillMemory(pSym, nullptr, SYM_BUFF_SIZE);

the complier would have emitted a error message, and the programmer would realize that they did something wrong, and would pay more attention to the way they code.

Note. I understand that in this case NULL is not to blame. However, it is because of NULL that the incorrect code compiles without any warnings.


Start using nullptr. Right now. And make necessary changes in the coding standard of your company.

Using nullptr will help to avoid stupid errors, and thus will slightly speed up the development process.

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